
by | Sep 22, 2021

UV light therapy (phototherapy) has been found to be effective for the treatment of skin conditions that are caused by overactive immune cells in the skin, as it reduces their activity. It has become a mainstay for the treatment of psoriasis and other photoresponsive skin conditions including eczema, and vitiligo.

Phototherapy has a very long history. Indeed the ancient Egyptians used exposure to natural sunlight as a form of treatment for a variety of skin conditions.

Most psoriasis sufferers notice that their skin condition improves after exposure to sunlight and many use sunbeds to help control their condition during flare-ups.

However unlike the medical lamps used in hospital outpatients equipment, the ultraviolet light produced by sunbeds is not targeted at treating skin conditions like psoriasis. Sunbeds expose patients to high cumulative doses of UV light, while being of limited therapeutic value.

The development of home use phototherapy equipment incorporating medical lamps has now allowed psoriasis and other skin conditions to be effectively and safely treated at home.

Home phototherapy equipment first became commercially available in the early 1980s. Since its introduction, it has been steadily growing in use. Studies have shown that an overwhelming majority (96%) of patients undergoing home phototherapy thought it was effective. They also thought it more convenient than the standard outpatient schedule. Not surprisingly, patient satisfaction with home phototherapy is very high.

Two percent of the world’s population has Psoriasis. Coping with the outbreaks can sometimes seem like a difficult challenge. Home phototherapy can be the convenient, effective and time saving alternative to outpatient treatment.