How to Use UVB Light Therapy at Home

by | Dec 27, 2023

Skin care keeps getting better with new developments that change how we look after our skin. UVB light therapy is one of these amazing treatments, really helping people with long-term skin problems. This article explains how to use UVB light therapy at home. It covers the good things about it, how to do it, and what to watch out for. It’s perfect for anyone who wants to treat their skin well at home. The guide gives you expert tips and useful advice to make sure you stay safe and get great results for healthier skin

What is UVB Light Therapy, and How Does it Work?

Before knowing how to use UVB light therapy at home, let’s learn about what is UVB light therapy is and how it works.

What is UVB Light Therapy, and How Does it Work?

Exploring UVB Light Therapy

UVB light therapy represents a significant leap in dermatological treatments, harnessing the power of ultraviolet light to bring relief to those suffering from various skin disorders. This specialised form of phototherapy has gained immense popularity due to its effectiveness in tackling some of the most persistent skin conditions, such as psoriasis, eczema, and vitiligo. These conditions, which often resist conventional treatments, find a formidable opponent in UVB light therapy.

Psoriasis, characterised by red, itchy, and scaly patches, can significantly disrupt quality of life. Eczema, with its intense itchiness and dry skin, poses daily challenges for sufferers. Vitiligo, known for causing loss of skin colour in blotches, can affect not just the skin but also a person’s self-esteem. In all these cases, UVB light therapy emerges as a ray of hope.

The Mechanism Behind the UVB Light Therapy

The magic of UVB light therapy lies in its use of a specific band of ultraviolet light. UVB light, with a wavelength range of 280 to 315 nanometers, is precisely calibrated to treat skin disorders effectively. This targeted approach allows the light to penetrate the skin’s surface, reaching the deeper layers where it can exert its therapeutic effects.

Here’s what happens during a UVB light therapy session:

  1. Targeted Action: When the skin is exposed to UVB light, it penetrates just deep enough to impact the affected area without damaging the deeper tissues. This precision is particularly effective in treating the skin’s outermost layers, where many dermatological conditions manifest.
  2. Slowing Cell Growth: One of the critical actions of UVB light is its ability to slow down the rapid proliferation of skin cells. This is especially beneficial in conditions like psoriasis, where skin cells are produced much faster than normal, leading to the buildup that forms scaly patches.
  3. Reducing Inflammation: UVB light also plays a significant role in reducing skin inflammation. By damping down the inflammatory processes, it not only helps in alleviating pain and discomfort but also reduces the redness and swelling associated with conditions like eczema.
  4. Stimulating Repigmentation: In conditions like vitiligo, where there is a loss of skin pigment, UVB light can stimulate melanocytes, the cells responsible for skin colour, encouraging repigmentation and leading to an improved appearance of the affected areas.
  5. Boosting Vitamin D Production: UVB light therapy has the added benefit of stimulating the production of Vitamin D in the skin, which is crucial for maintaining skin health and overall wellbeing.

The process of UVB light therapy is akin to receiving a controlled, beneficial dose of sunlight. Unlike unregulated sun exposure, which can lead to skin damage and increase the risk of skin cancer, UVB therapy is carefully monitored and administered, offering a safe and effective way to harness the benefits of UV light.

Can You Do UVB Light Therapy at Home?

Yes, You can do UVB Light Therapy at Home? With the availability of specialised home UVB light therapy units, it’s become increasingly accessible for individuals to manage their skin conditions effectively from the comfort of their own homes. These units are designed to be safe and user-friendly, making them suitable for home use under the guidance of a dermatologist.

How to Use UVB Light Therapy at Home

Taking UVB Light therapy at home

Starting to use UVB light therapy at home can really help with different skin problems. To ensure the process is effective and safe, it’s essential to understand the correct usage, precautions, and best practices associated with home-based UVB therapy.

Check out this video for insights on using UVB Light Therapy at home.

Setting Up Your Home Therapy Unit

Selecting the Right Equipment

The first step is choosing a suitable UVB light therapy unit. It’s important to select a device specifically designed for home use, which often comes in the form of handheld units, full-body panels, or targeted lamps. Consulting with a dermatologist to find the right device for your specific condition is crucial.

Preparing the Treatment Area

Designate a specific area in your home for the therapy sessions. This space should be private, well-ventilated, and free from direct sunlight or other light sources that could interfere with the treatment.

Conducting the Therapy Session

Reading and Understanding Instructions

Before starting, thoroughly read the manual provided with your UVB light therapy unit. Understanding the operating procedures, dosage recommendations, and safety precautions is vital.

Skin Preparation

Cleanse the skin area to be treated, ensuring it’s free from cosmetics, lotions, or any substances that might react with the UVB light.

Protecting Sensitive Areas

Use protective eyewear to shield your eyes from UVB rays. Additionally, cover areas of the skin that are not being treated, especially sensitive regions, to prevent overexposure.

Time Management

Adhere to the prescribed duration for each therapy session. Overexposure can lead to skin damage, while underexposure may reduce effectiveness.


Regularity is key in UVB light therapy. Follow the schedule recommended by your dermatologist, typically several times a week.

After the Therapy Session

Skin Care Post-Treatment

After each session, apply moisturisers or any prescribed topical treatments to help soothe the skin. Avoid using any harsh chemicals or irritants on the treated areas.

Monitoring Skin Response

Keep a close eye on how your skin reacts after each session. Note any side effects like redness, itching, or burning, and consult your dermatologist if they persist or worsen.

Record Keeping

Maintain a log of your treatment sessions, including the duration and any reactions. This record can be beneficial for follow-up consultations with your dermatologist.

Safety and Precautions

Avoiding Overexposure

Never exceed the recommended exposure time to avoid the risk of burns or long-term skin damage.

Regular Dermatological Check-Ups

Even while treating at home, regular check-ups with a dermatologist are essential to monitor progress and make any necessary adjustments to the treatment plan.

Educating Yourself

Stay informed about UVB light therapy, especially any new research or guidelines that might affect your treatment. By following these guidelines, you can effectively and safely use UVB light therapy at home. It’s a powerful tool that, when used correctly, can significantly improve the quality of life for those with chronic skin conditions..

How Long Does it Take for UVB Light Therapy to Work?

How Long Does it Take for UVB Light Therapy to Work

Expected Timeframe for Results

When Taking UVB light Therapy, understanding the timeline for potential results is crucial. This treatment, like many in the field of dermatology, requires a blend of patience and realistic expectations. It’s important to note that while some individuals may start observing positive changes within a short period, the full range of benefits often takes longer to manifest.

Initial Improvements

In the initial stages of treatment, which typically span 2-4 weeks, patients may begin to notice subtle improvements. These early signs of progress can include a reduction in itching, lessening of redness, or a decrease in the scale of skin plaques. This phase is critical as it sets the foundation for more significant healing.

What are the Benefits of UVB Light Therapy?

What are the Benefits of UVB Light Therapy

UVB light therapy offers a range of benefits, making it a great choice for treating various skin conditions. It’s particularly effective in managing issues like psoriasis, eczema, and vitiligo, improving overall skin health. 

One of the biggest advantages is the convenience of being able to do it at home. It’s a safe treatment method, with typically short sessions that easily fit into your daily routine. Many people find that it reduces the itching associated with certain skin conditions and can slow down excessive skin cell growth, which is a major benefit for conditions like psoriasis.

 Additionally, UVB therapy can boost Vitamin D levels, contributing to overall health. Compared to other treatments, it often has fewer side effects and provides long-term relief, making it a sustainable option for ongoing skin care.


Are There Any Side Effects of UVB Light Therapy at Home?

While UVB therapy is a safe route to better skin health, it’s not without its risks. Side effects can include temporary redness, itching, and dry skin. To minimise risks, follow the instructions meticulously and never overdo the sessions. Regular check-ups with your dermatologist are also vital to ensure your skin is responding well to the treatment.

Where to Buy or Hire UVB Light Therapy at Home in the UK

For those in the UK looking to start using UVB light therapy at home, head over to Skin Matters Bristol. Their online shop is stocked with a variety of home therapy units.

Skin Matters Bristol Handheld UVB Narrowband

Why Skin Matters Bristol?

When you check out Skin Matters Bristol, you’re not just buying a device; you’re discovering a solution that fits your personal skin care journey. Their online shop is full of home therapy units, carefully picked for various needs and preferences. Plus, they offer a home hire service too.

A Range of Options

Their range is really impressive. Whether you want something small and simple or a bigger setup for your whole body, they’ve got you covered. This choice is great for anyone new to UVB light therapy who needs a device that fits easily into their everyday life. Plus, they offer a home hire unit, which is super handy.

Support Beyond the Sale

Buying from Skin Matters Bristol is just the start. They keep helping you even after you’ve bought your UVB light therapy unit, giving you tips and support on how to use it best. This kind of care and help makes everything feel more comfortable and less worrying, especially if you’re new to this kind of treatment


In conclusion, learning to use UVB light therapy at home is a game-changer for anyone looking for relief from persistent skin conditions like Psoriasis, Vitiligo, Eczema, Acne, and Dermatitis. This therapy, while being convenient and effective, should be approached with informed caution. Regular consultations with your dermatologist, coupled with a careful selection of equipment, will help you have a successful and safe treatment at home. Remember, healthier skin is just a light away!


Can You Do UVB Light Therapy at Home?

Yes, you can perform UVB light therapy at home. 

Do UVB Lamps Work at Home?

Absolutely, UVB lamps designed for home use are effective in treating various skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and vitiligo. These lamps emit UVB light at specific wavelengths that are therapeutically beneficial. However, it’s important to choose a quality lamp and use it according to the prescribed guidelines to ensure safety and effectiveness.

How Many Minutes is UVB Phototherapy?

The duration of a UVB phototherapy session can vary depending on several factors, including the type and severity of the skin condition being treated, the individual’s skin type, and the strength of the light source. Typically, sessions start with a short exposure (often just a few minutes) and gradually increase based on the skin’s response and tolerance. It’s crucial to follow the treatment duration recommended by your dermatologist.

How Often Should You Do UVB Light Therapy?

The frequency of UVB light therapy sessions depends on the specific treatment plan prescribed by your dermatologist. Generally, it’s common to start with sessions two to three times per week. Some treatment plans may require more frequent sessions, while others might need less. Regular monitoring and adjustments by a healthcare professional are essential to achieve optimal results.

Should I Moisturise Before Light Therapy?

It’s generally advised not to apply moisturisers or any topical products before a UVB light therapy session. These products can potentially block the UVB light from penetrating the skin effectively. It’s best to apply moisturisers after the session to help soothe and hydrate the skin, unless otherwise directed by your dermatologist.

How Do I Prepare for UVB Treatment?

Preparation for UVB treatment involves a few key steps:

  1. Consultation: Have a thorough consultation with your dermatologist to understand the treatment plan.
  2. Skin Preparation: Clean the skin area to be treated and ensure it’s free from cosmetics, lotions, or medications that may react with UVB light.
  3. Protective Measures: Use protective eyewear during the treatment to shield your eyes from UVB rays.
  4. Environment Setup: If using a home unit, set up the treatment area in a well-ventilated and private space.
  5. Follow Instructions: Adhere strictly to the treatment schedule and exposure times as recommended by your dermatologist.

By following these guidelines and consulting with a dermatologist, you can effectively prepare for and undergo UVB light therapy, whether at a clinic or in your home.